Saturday , 22 February 2025

Protect Quebec Pets in 4 easy steps!

It’s all very well and good to say you want change.

Or to shake your head when you hear about an animal abuser getting nothing but a slap on the wrist.

It’s also easy to turn a blind eye, believing someone else will speak up for what you believe in.

But in order to improve lives of companion animals in Quebec – we need to make our individual voices heard, plain and simple.

New Regulations

MAPAQ (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) is looking for input from Quebec citizens concerning new provincial regulations about the welfare of our companion animals. They’ve already drafted up their new rules (read them here). Frankly, it’s lacking and neglects some key issues (euthanasia chambers are still allowed, there is no plan regarding animal overpopulation and spay/neuter).

What’s Been Done

There’s been a letter-writing campaign in effect to make certain changes to these regulations. With the recent postal strike, we’d requested that the deadline for our input be extended.  It’s happened. Letter campaigns WORK.

What Now?

We now have until August 26th to speak on behalf of the animals we love. If we don’t do this in great numbers, these regulations will be approved – and pets in Quebec will continue to suffer with inadequate care and protection.  We will still be miles behind the rest of Canada on this matter.

The good people at Respect Animal have made it super easy for you to make your voice heard.  Here’s how:


Send a letter to MAPAQ (template provided) before August 26, 2011 for the draft regulation on the safety and well being of cats and dogs.

  • 1 – Print the letter you will find here:
  • 2 – Sign and register your details.
  • 3 – The letter MUST be sent by MAIL or by FAX and must contain your signature and contact information, otherwise it will be rejected (address and fax # are below)
  • 4 – Share this using the sharing tools above – and invite all your contacts to act for the welfare of animals.

ADDRESS: Ms. Madeleine Fortin
Assistant Deputy Minister – General Directorate of Animal Health and Food Inspection
200 chemin Sainte-Foy, 12th Floor, Québec (Québec) G1R 4X6

FAX: 418-380-2171

Please take a few moments to take action. It’s the only way to make change.

For further detailed information on the draft regulation – please visit Respect Animal’s website.


About nat

Nat's bio can be found on the "Who Are We" page. She posts articles on behalf of folks like Dr. Glew and Dr. Stiles - so, check out their individual bios for further info as well. :) Thanks for reading!

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