Friday , 28 March 2025

SPCA Montérégie has a Successful Cat Adoption Day!


Dana Girard was so kind to give Montreal Dog Blog a summary of the successful Mega Cat Adoption Day that took place this past Saturday, May 7th. A total number of 34 cats out of 50 were adopted! More than half of the cats are now placed in a forever home! Dana tells us that many of the cats that were at the shelter, may now get the chance of being placed at a foster home. For example, Tequila and Lilas, lived at the shelter since 2009  and now they will enjoy the comfort and love of a foster mom or dad. Dana states: “lots of people [were] asking questions and considering adoption in the future, and [in] general [we] raised awareness of the shelter…I’d say we had ourselves a very successful day.”


Dana shared the following pictures of the event and narrates how the adoption day took place. Click on the picture to see them full size!



The location looked quite empty after set-up on Friday. We were all hoping that that would change on Saturday!


We certainly didn’t have to worry about lack of people showing up! This is the lineup outside of the locale before doors open. Theoretically you’d want to get there early to have the best picks for adoption, but really, every single cat we brought was amazing so even people who arrived later could find a great new companion.


The shelter cats anxiously look on to find out which of their friends will emerge from the next transporter…


The flood gates open!


Mimine up front and Tournesol in the back. Hilariously enough, Tournesol was an unexpected guest at the adoption day…she crept her way into Mimine’s transporter when we weren’t looking! Since she went through all that trouble, we let her show herself off. The result? Tournesol may be getting a forever home with one of her buddies that was adopted on Saturday! This cat definitely knew what she was doing when she hid behind big boy Mimine.


Bébé and Sammy are two regular faces that shelter-goers will now no longer see. Sammy has the fortune of being in a foster home, and Bébé – after over 4 years at the shelter – has finally gotten adopted! Certainly the highlight of the day for me, though his affectionate headbutts will be missed.

Bear, our “star of the week”, did everything right: he rolled on his back for belly rubs, charmed the kiddies, gave cuddles… but he still ended up back in a foster home rather than a forever home. His owner past away last fall and this big boy has been on the search for a new family since–but I guess black, 6 year-old, 25-pound cats aren’t on many people’s ‘want’ lists.


Our worries that this adoption day would be a letdown after our last mega adoption day (which saw 48 cats adopted out of around 70) were obviously unfounded


You know you have a successful event on your hands when the list of adopted cats can’t all be squeezed onto a single board

I also feel compelled to mention Grant. He was a cat I absolutely, positively, definitely, no questions had to bring to the adoption day…but we couldn’t find him anywhere Saturday morning when we were preparing the cats. Much to my dismay, we had to leave Grant behind at the shelter. When we brought back the non-adoptees that evening, who should be the first cat to waltz up and greet us? Grant!! I want to hate him, but oh…not with that face.


To see more pictures click here











About Liliana

Liliana Danel has lived in Mexico City, Texas – and Montreal for the past 8 years. She and her husband share their home with with a 4 year old rescued Jack Russell Terrier named Romeo (aka Nanners) and 3 adopted lionhead bunnies. When it comes to animal suffering and neglect, she is passionate about spreading the word. An avid Twitterer, reader and Hello Kitty collector – Liliana hopes to shine a light on animal topics that would otherwise not get told.

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