Sunday , 23 February 2025

Take Action for Animals: Election Letter

A Federal election is underway and we’ll be heading to the polls on May 2nd, to choose our officials.  It’s a perfect time to find out how our candidates feel about animal issues in Quebec and more importantly, if they’re willing to step up and make changes.  Montreal Dog Blog has contacted 10 random local candidates and we’ll be posting their answers when we get them.  In the meantime, be proactive.  Send the letter below (feel free to add any other concerns you have!) to your local candidates and see what comes back. A special thank you to our rescue blogger, Liliana for this idea and to Alanna Devine from the Montreal SPCA for her expertise!

1. Find your area candidates by clicking here and entering your postal code (A google of their name will turn up their official site and contact information)

2. Send along this letter.

3. Click “Like” at the top of this page and share with others!

4. VOTE!


Dear _________________,

As a Quebecer I am requesting that you speak loudly and clearly against animal abuses in our province.  Before we head to the polls, I would like to know your thoughts on the following issues and look forward to your reply.

PUPPY MILLS: Quebec has the unfortunate reputation of being the so-called “puppy mill capital of North America”.  What are your thoughts on this – and what steps will you take to implement and enforce stricter laws to wipe this blight from our province?

GAS CHAMBER EUTHANASIA: In some areas, gas chamber euthanasia still exists (such as Patrouille G.L. Canine pound in the Borough of Ile Bizard-Ste. Genevieve).  Gas chambers have been condemned by humane advocates, progressive shelters and veterinary associations. If this was within your electoral district, how would you take action to stop their use and request a more humane alternative (injection of sodium pentobarbital by a trained professional).

PET STORES: Recently, Richmond BC became the first Canadian city to ban the sale of animals in pet stores.  What are your thoughts on the sale of pets in stores?

Currently, there are two bills being proposed that would update Canada’s outdated animal welfare legislation.  If elected, will you support the following bills?

1. Private Member Bill C-229 (tabled by MP Mark Holland). This bill seeks important amendments to the cruelty provisions of the Criminal Code. Bill C-229 would increase penalties for animal cruelty offences and effectively close the loopholes in the Criminal Code that make it difficult for enforcement agencies and the courts to convict animal abusers.

2. Private Member Bill C-468 which aims at amending the Health of Animals Regulations (HAR) and seeks to reduce the maximum allowable amount of time for transporting animals (livestock) and introduce stipulations that would protect injured and downed animals during transport. The current permissible transit time under the HAR is 36 hours without water, food or rest for poultry, hogs and horses, and 52 hours without water, food or rest for cattle, sheep and goats (this is scientifically demonstrated as causing extreme distress and suffering to these animals).This bill was tabled by Liberal MP Alexandra Mendes (Brossard/La Prairie):

Thank you for your time and attention regarding these important issues.



About nat

Nat's bio can be found on the "Who Are We" page. She posts articles on behalf of folks like Dr. Glew and Dr. Stiles - so, check out their individual bios for further info as well. :) Thanks for reading!

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