Sunday , 23 February 2025

Whistler wants justice. Bring down Outdoor Adventures.

Twitter has been crazy with the news of the 100 pups that were shot for no reason. People all over the world are mad and talking about the massacre that has taken place in Whistler. I don’t know about the rest of you but I have written many emails and continue tweeting for other people that do have empathy for animals to spare a few minutes to call or write an email to let them know that the death of the 100 pups will not go unnoticed. A fellow tweep, Stephen Gillis, already blogged the reply he got from Outdoor Adventures Whistler (shown below). I have not received a letter yet but still await for probably a carbon copy like the rest.  This morning I received a tweet from Cat Smiley that lives in Whistler and she shares the following video and asks for people to join Facebook group and to sign a petition to close down Outdoor Adventures.

I am glad that people in BC are taking action and united for the cause of animals. The BC SPCA is investigating and informing others of their fight and how they are successful in apprehending those that commit abuse to living things. I am proud that somewhere in this country people are actually united for a cause and do not complain about money or resources. BC SPCA does not get any government aid. British Columbia has the most important tool to create an effect for their cause: ONE VOICE. One voice that is being heard by many and is echoing around the world.

British Columbia, I tip off my hat to you and your community for your effort and success on Animal Welfare. You have banned the sale of puppies in pet stores. You have higher rates of adoption than any other province. You don’t have people urging Breed Specific Laws and you even welcome those that have to move from other provinces because they are not accepted just for their breed. You catch those that hurt animals and although human justice is not enough, at least you put them to shame and bring those guilty to the face of justice.

It is true that we do hear more cruelty to animals news from BC, but we hear about them because people denounce them and ask for justice. Here, in Quebec, we know what is going on and yet we ignore and desensitize of our reality. Only a few carry in their conscience what goes on. It is sad to see the numbers of the petition to close gas chambers in Quebec just to 4,000 signatures and in just a few days BC has been able to obtain 6,785 signatures. In Quebec we have puppy mills, we do have places  up north where the form of animal control is doing animal roundups and shooting them point blank to the head. I truly hope one day Quebec will truly get ONE VOICE FOR ANIMALS. I truly believe negotiation is over and it is time for things to change.

This is the following letter Stephen Gillis received from Tourism Whistler:

Good afternoon Stephen.

Thank you for your email; I apologize for the delay in responding. I understand that your original email was sent to and cc’d to our central reservations department.

As you know, there have been numerous and varied reports circulating about the accusations made against Outdoor Adventures Whistler.

Tourism Whistler first learned about the allegations yesterday morning. Like you, and so many others that have expressed their concern, we are shocked and saddened by the horrific details portrayed in the reported claims.

Our team at Tourism Whistler spent yesterday and the better part of today responding to media enquiries, as well as emails and telephone calls from concerned people like yourself.

We’ve been working diligently to ensure that we gather and share as much information as possible. The allegations are extremely serious and the authorities — including the SPCA and the RCMP — are investigating.

Outdoor Adventures Whistler is a member of Tourism Whistler. Until there is further clarity with regard to the allegations, we have suspended the sale of Outdoor Adventures Whistler’s dogsledding activities via and the Visitor Centre. People who wish to cancel their dogsled reservation with this company will also be reimbursed.

I appreciate your concern and thank you for your comments.

Patricia Westerholm
Corporate Communications Specialist,
Tourism Whistler


Kudos to Tourism Whistler for taking the proper stance and no longer selling Outdoor Adventures packages. SG

Here is the youtube video posted by Cat Smiley and the links to the petition to close Outdoor Adventures: click here

Twitter names for Stephen and Cat if you wish to follow: @stephengillis  @catsmiley

About Liliana

Liliana Danel has lived in Mexico City, Texas – and Montreal for the past 8 years. She and her husband share their home with with a 4 year old rescued Jack Russell Terrier named Romeo (aka Nanners) and 3 adopted lionhead bunnies. When it comes to animal suffering and neglect, she is passionate about spreading the word. An avid Twitterer, reader and Hello Kitty collector – Liliana hopes to shine a light on animal topics that would otherwise not get told.

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