Sunday , 23 February 2025

Angel the abused cat – just where are the laws? Here we go again.

I am sick and tired of crazy, abusive people getting away with animal abuse, neglect & abandonment. Our newest situation has been a beautiful little tortoiseshell cat that we have named Angel.

Angel had a home, if you could call it that. The woman who owned her had her children removed due to cruelty. Her anger also was projected onto Angel and she promptly threw her over her 3rd floor balcony last March (nearly 1 year ago) . Angel suffered injuries that resulted in her unable to use her back legs properly.  After throwing her off the balcony, the owner decided she wanted Angel back and went and got her. After a while, she again wanted to dispose of her and brought her out into the woods behind the parking lot of her apartment building.

Angel has been living out there with a major injury since then. In early December, someone living in the neighborhood building  (Lisa) spotted her and started to feed her. Angel acted very feral (wild) because she was petrified but she would eat when food was put out. Lisa devotedly fed her and asked for our help in trapping her.

We tried to trap her for a month and she would not go into the trap. We had to have a special trap, which was only available in the U.S. We had the design plans and someone volunteered to build it. And build she did! Valerie did a great job! We caught Angel last night. She seemed relieved and was passive. Today I brought her to the vet.


Physically, she is not scarred too much but emotionally, she is very delicate. If it was not for the kindness of Lisa, Angel would have a horrible life out there.

Here she is today. A cuddlebug!

It took a team of people but we got her to safety!

This cruel woman will be confronted but really there are no laws enforceable to protect animals. It is truly discouraging to believe that government and society allow this to go on  and scary to think of how cruel people can be to vulnerable animals and humans.

Angel has tested negative for fiv and fel (2 deadly viruses) but has serious neurological problems, which has resulted in her not being able to use her back legs much. My vet has told me that the brain will compensate, once she is in a loving environment, and she should improve about 50%. She is not suffering physically from this condition, so she will be okay.

Emotionally, she is very fragile.

Donations are very appreciated, as we need to cover the costs of Angel’s vet bills. Tax receipts will be issued and donations can be made  by clicking here:

About PetitsPawz

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