Monday , 31 March 2025

Trick or Treat Doggie Style

Come on…you know you like to get into the Halloween spirit!  While you buying up on candy, especially chocolae eye-balls( had some last night..umm), and baking up some orange anc chocolate cookies, why not go the extra mile and d some baking for your dog..they will love you for it!  It is very simple…

Why not try a recipe direct from Martha Stewart:  Liver Brownies…woof! All you need is 2 lbs chicken liver2 cups corn meal, 2 cups wheat germ ,2 eggs, 2 1/2 tsp. granulated garlic (not salt), 1/2 c dried parsley

Liquefy liver, pour in a mixing bowl along with other ingredients.  Mix until smooth ( think about those human brownies you are used to making:)). Spread on a cookie sheet until it’s evenly spread and about 1/3 to 1/4 inch thick. Bake at 350 F for about 35 minutes. When cool, cut with some of those great little ghostly cookie cutters and get the dog (s) to do a taste test!

Of course, Martha also recommends to serve on a nice plate!:)

About Shelly

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