Sunday , 23 February 2025

First day of blogging!

Well, I’m learning to navigate my way around the blogging world. Thanks to Nat Lauzon who invited me to blog about cat stuff and PetitsPawz. Bear with me while I get the hang of this. 🙂

While our adoption/foster system is in full swing with over 100 cats and kittens in the PetitsPawz system (either recently adopted or in foster care waiting for adoption), we can’t forget about the feral (wild) cats that need our help outside.

CATCH & RELEASE – The shelters have arrived for winter! 🙂

I feel strongly about catch & release of feral cats but I feel equally strong that these cats be protected, especially in our harsh winters. We make sure that all the colonies that we sterilize have food and shelters. We have wonderful shelters that keep the cats toasty in -40 celsius.

Our shelter builder Cathy just made us a spankin new bunch, which I put out last night. This morning Patricia cat and her adult kids were still sleeping at 10am this morning. They came out finally for breakfast.

I woke Patricia up this morning, she was lingering in her shelter.
The shelters are built with the insulation material to build houses and filled with hay. I love watching the cats come out with hay on their heads!
Shelters are filled with hay
The indoor PetitsPawz shelter cats love to feral watch.

Patricia, Dot and Tot having breakfast

About PetitsPawz

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