Thursday , 27 March 2025

Happy Howl-idays

Who needs eight tiny reindeer when you have six merry little doggos? That was the scene when the fam and I got together on Christmas day. Much to my mother’s dismay not one of her children brought any new grand-babies to the festivities this year but there was a large assortment of grand-puppies featuring some old and new faces.

The dynamic beagle duo was on hand to lend their special brand of busybody charm to the big day. Ace was decked out in his jingle bells; a treat for both the heart and ears. And Buster brought the holiday mayhem. His shining moment was when he was able to snatch a serving of pâté from the dining room table. I may not approve of Buster nefarious actions but, darn it, do I respect his moxy. Peace was only restored to the village once he had decided that he had had his fill of fun and ill-gotten treats and settled in for a blessed Christmas nap under the tree.

Monica the shelty was in fine form. The party was being held on her home turf and her concessions as hostess came at a price. We could have called her Ebenezer, if Scrooge were adorned with a flowing mane and coveted tummy rubs over shillings. (Although, old scrooge probably never stared at anyone holding a turkey drumstick as longingly as Monica did) The price of partying on her territory was attention and plenty of it.

There was Tilly. The miniature poodle who actually looked like she could have been built in Santa’s workshop and stuffed snuggly into a stocking until Christmas morning.

Dakota the husky brought her regal profile to the party. The party’s canine grande dame was simultaneously as striking and majestic as the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Centre and as silly as the elf on yonder shelf. She gracefully guided her large shaggy body under tables and around chairs, sage enough to know that there was no need to beg for scraps since the dog cookies would start to flow as soon as Christmas dinner was over.

New to the party this year was Dixie the rottweiler. This battleship-sized sweetheart almost spent the holidays in a shelter. Thankfully, my little sister intercepted her before Dixie’s owner dropped her off. Thereby saving Dixie from spending even a single minute in a shelter. The family welcomed her with open arms and paws. This was my first real experience with a rottweiler and it was wonderful. Although she was hands down the most powerful of all of our four-legged party guests, she was among the gentlest. We did her the courtesy of introducing her to the family and the other dogs on the front lawn, to avoid her feeling overwhelmed upon entering the house. The result was brief curiosity and then immediate induction into our ever-expanding pack. As an aside, isn’t it funny how big burly dogs are always the most well-mannered?

One of the most remarkable things about Christmas is that it comes with such amazing jubilation and overwhelming joy that we can’t keep it to ourselves. We have to share it with everyone, from family to strangers; from the husky that we grew up with to the rottweiler that needed a home at Christmas.

To my readers, I hope that you all had a merry Christmas and a happy holiday season, and I wish you and your furry friends all the very best in 2019.

About jguzzo

"Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in", Mark Twain.Behind a serious professional façade lies the puckish mind of a man who just wants to stay home and watch Netflix with his beagles. That is Jonathan in a nutshell. Over the last decade Jonathan has discovered a simple truth: beagles are like chips, you can’t stop at one. He is the first harbinger of Beagle Mania and wants to leave no man, women or child bereft of the joy that these fantastic beasts bring.We hope that you enjoy his scribbled musings about nature’s olfactory kings and other critters of the lovable variety.

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