Sunday , 30 March 2025

The 2018-2019 SPCA Event Calendar Starts Now

Without a doubt, my favourite thing to do in my spare time is watching Netflix with my wife and our two majestic beagles. For those of you who feel the same I offer this two-fold piece of advice: the 2009 film Hachi: A Dog’s Tale is perhaps both the greatest and worst film to watch with your dog. You have been warned. Oh, my wife and I go out and sometimes we will even have a good time but at the end of the night we are usually happy to slip in an episode of Luke Cage or GLOW with the beagles before bed. In spite of this preference though our calendar seems to be filling up with non-Netflix related activities that simply look too fun to pass up. In fact, the SPCA’s 2018-2019 event calendar already has us half-way out the door.

The calendar kicks off with some fun in the sun. On July 8th the Mrs. and I will be heading to Mount Royal Park with our beagles in tow to participate in the SPCA’s annual “Museau au Trot”/“Snout and About” event. This is a great outdoor event that lets you strut around the base of the mountain with your favorite human and canine friends. If you are looking for Ace he’ll be the beagle immersing himself in Plateau hipster culture by wearing his floppy ears in a tidy man bun. Come and enjoy the type of summer event that only Montreal can offer. Check out the details on the event’s Facebook page:

Of course, for those of you with more refined tastes you’ll probably be extremely interested in the SPCA’s wine tasting event happening this October in collaboration with Le Parloir – Private Cellars. This unique and trendy establishment is located in Montreal’s new beating heart of hip, Griffintown – sorry Plateau dwellers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Normally open exclusively for members, Le Parloir is opening up its modish doors for this snazzy SPCA event. Book your critter-sitter and come out for the cause and enjoy rubbing shoulders with other members of Montreal’s wine lover’s community.

The calendar culminates in spring 2019 with the SPCA’s exquisite “Bêtes de Mode”/“Beasts of Fashion” gala. This elegant affair is filled with entertainment, imaginative decor and tasty vegan finger foods and is quickly distinguishing itself on the Montreal fundraising gala circuit. This event normally takes place in November but is being pushed to next spring to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the Montreal SPCA. Not only will this event highlight and celebrate all of the good work done by the SPCA’s amazing network of staff, volunteers and sponsors over the previous year but it will also pay homage to the SPCA’s status as a long-time institution of compassion and gentleness in our city’s community. Get ready to come out and bid on items in the live and silent auctions. All of the money raised from the ticket sales and auctions helps keep the kindness flowing at their HQ on Jean Talon West. This is truly an event not to be missed.

Nothing beats spending time with other animal lovers to raise money and be a voice for the friends who have no voice. So, whether you are motivated by community, philanthropy or just having a good time come out and enjoy one of these terrific events. Then you can go home and tell your own furry friend all about it while you put on just one more episode of The Crown.

About jguzzo

"Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in", Mark Twain.Behind a serious professional façade lies the puckish mind of a man who just wants to stay home and watch Netflix with his beagles. That is Jonathan in a nutshell. Over the last decade Jonathan has discovered a simple truth: beagles are like chips, you can’t stop at one. He is the first harbinger of Beagle Mania and wants to leave no man, women or child bereft of the joy that these fantastic beasts bring.We hope that you enjoy his scribbled musings about nature’s olfactory kings and other critters of the lovable variety.

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