Friday , 28 March 2025

Dakota, rescued from a Korean dog meat farm, needs your help

The holidays are fast approaching and in addition to this being a time of preparations for family reunions and celebrations, it is also the time of year that charities and nonprofit organizations fundraise heavily to help advance their causes. This is, after all, a time for sharing and giving. Your generosity is probably sought everywhere (good causes are not lacking in the animal world), but I would still like to share with you the story of Dakota.

Dakota is a dog saved from a dog meat farm in South Korea. Along with 200 other dogs, she was kept in a tiny wire cage, with little human contact or love. She had no chance to escape this life and was destined to be slaughtered. Until one day, Humane Society International intervened and signed an agreement with the owner to close this facility. Thanks to this operation, the fate of these dogs changed completely. When they boarded the plane that flew them to Canada, they had no idea of the life that was awaiting them – one filled with warmth, comfort and unconditional love.

Dakota made the trip last April, when she was only two-months-old. Unfortunately, although she was very young when she escaped the dog meat farm, genetic defects and the poor living conditions in which she was kept during the first weeks of her life have caused her to develop severe hip and knee problems. A surgery could fix her problems for good.

When she was rescued, HSI promised Dakota they would do everything to save her and give her the wonderful life we want all dogs to have. The surgeries to fix Dakota’s health problems are the last step before she can fully enjoy the amazing life that awaits her.

The organization is partnering with Les Aristopattes to raise the necessary funds for her surgeries.

If you can contribute to her veterinary care, please click on this link.



About Aviva

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