Monday , 31 March 2025

Can You Keep Your #BeCrueltyFree New Year’s Resolution? We’re Here to Help!


It’s that time of year again: the air is cold, winter seems like it will never come to an end, and we inevitably struggle to hold on to the resolutions we so joyously toasted to, while silently promising ourselves, “this year it’s going to stick”.

The good news is, you’re not alone. This happens to the best of us, which is why I’ve put together a list of things you can do to keep your 2016 #BeCrueltyFree resolution:

Be realistic

Make sure your goal to #BeCrueltyFree is attainable. You can start by replacing one product with its cruelty-free counterpart when it runs out rather than pushing yourself to replace all your products at once.

Understand the issue

Learn as much as you can about cosmetic animal testing – the cruelty animals endure, the current regulations in Canada and why these outdated methods are no longer necessary. A great place to start is by reviewing my previous posts, as well as our campaign webpage. Ask questions. Knowledge is power.

Break down your goal

A bigger goal can be easier to attain when you break it into smaller steps. First, compile a list of trusted resources and keep it in hand to check the latest campaign and cruelty-free news; visit the #BeCrueltyFree campaign webpage and join us on Facebook; shop only cruelty-free; visit and for the latest information on which companies are cruelty-free and which aren’t; sign the petition to end cosmetic animal testing in Canada at, and contact your MP and let them know that you’d like to see the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act become law.

Talk about it

Create awareness for the issue and let others know about the cruel and unnecessary reality of cosmetic animal testing. Share your resource list with everyone you know.

Reward yourself

Every time you accomplish one of your goals, reward yourself with your favourite cruelty-free cosmetic product. Don’t have a fave? Visit one of our corporate partners for some ideas – LUSH, Lippy Girl, Alltrueist, H&M – click here to see a full list.

Track your progress

Keep a record of all your accomplishments to refer to on those days when you feel unmotivated. How many people signed the petition because you asked them to? How many products have you replaced because you didn’t give up?

Don’t beat yourself up

There are always going to be setbacks with any undertaking. Positivity coupled with a clear vision of what you want will help you stick with it. You’ll get to your #BeCrueltyFree goal, just stay focused!

Stick to it

Stay motivated by reminding yourself how far you’ve come. Find a friend to go on this #BeCrueltyFree journey with you. Having someone beside you every step of the way to hold you accountable will help you accomplish your goals and vice versa.

Keep trying

Don’t worry if you’re not progressing as fast as you had hoped. The important thing to remember is that you are trying to make a difference and every step counts.


Together we’ll see an end to cosmetic animal testing in Canada. Animals will no longer suffer through painful toxicity tests for cosmetics. Terrified rabbits, mice, rats and guinea pigs will no longer have substances forced down their throat, dripped into their eyes, or smeared onto their skin. Because of you!



About Aviva

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