Saturday , 22 February 2025

Dr. Amanda Glew: Feather Trees

Feather Trees – by Dr. Amanda Glew 

A few years ago, I decided to do a Christmas tree fundraiser for Le Nichoir. I have a friend who had just moved to the Eastern Townships and had purchased a tree farm. Liking catchy phrases, I thought it would be fun to name the fundraising campaign “Feather Trees” is order to help our feathered friends. However, the idea was squashed when I was told that there was a thing sold called a “feather tree” which indeed is a false tree made with real feathers. Well, you can see that my name was no longer appropriate.

However, we did the fundraiser anyway, just calling it Le Nichoir Christmas Trees for Wildlife. So for the 3rd year in a row, the Timberlea Veterinary clinic is organizing this fun (d) raiser! If you buy a real tree, why not buy it for a charity?

The interesting part is picking up the trees. For the 3rd year in a row, my partner in crime Tracy Gallacher and I will set out with my 3 ton horse trailer, and my Ford pickup truck that rumbles like only big trucks do. With coffee and snacks on hand, we make the 3 hour journey over the highways and find ourselves in the lovely rural DSCF0081area of Eastman. Depending on the weather, we get to assist in the packaging of the trees, and loading all 100 or so into the truck. It is hard work, but exhilarating. We then get to ride the tractor into the rolling leafless township countryside, and pick up branches to sell as well. This is what I do on my 2 days off!

The first year the trip went smoothly, with only a hitch of going down a wrong gravel road, with absolutely no turning radius. It took us over ½ hour to back it up, with lots giggles, and waving of arms to keep me straight. The 2nd year, we were greeted by the first big snowstorm in December. Although it was picture postcard perfect, our host Daniel had to get his tractor out to help us up one of the treacherous unsalted hills. Once we were on our way, partly to reduce our nerves, we let the trailer push us down the hills hoping to keep control saying “wheee!” just like a child on a roller coaster. If I applied the brakes, you could feel the rear end swing out. After our hairy drive back, we decided to stop for a Chez Cora breakfast on St. Charles – which caused many to ask what was our load in the trailer. Both Tracy and I would smile and say “Reindeer and Christmas trees!”  There were a few raised eyebrows.

So, if you would like to support Le Nichoir, call the clinic at 514-505-6555 to place your order, or 450-458-2809. Pick up is either at Timberlea or at Hibou Décor in Hudson, or if you pay an extra $10, can be delivered. A great way to start the giving season. Hopefully, this year will be an uneventful travelling trip! Last day to order in November 28th, 40$ under 6 feet, 50$ over 6 DSCF0108feet, with pickup Saturday December 5th at either location. I guarantee these trees are fresh!



About nat

Nat's bio can be found on the "Who Are We" page. She posts articles on behalf of folks like Dr. Glew and Dr. Stiles - so, check out their individual bios for further info as well. :) Thanks for reading!

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