Sunday , 30 March 2025

Join the #BeCrueltyFree Petition Drive!

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The sweet summer heat has arrived and so has our #BeCrueltyFree Canada petition drive. Add your name to get us to 100,000 signatures and help put an end to cosmetics animal testing in Canada!

We’re working hard to ban this outdated practice, but we can’t do it alone. We need each and every one of you.

Right now in laboratories across the country, animals are being force-fed chemicals in painful toxicity tests – chemicals that may find their way into the soap, shampoo and other products you use everyday. This needs to stop.

#BeCrueltyFree by the numbers:

  • 88%: Canadians who agree that testing new cosmetics is not worth animal suffering.
  • 81%: Canadians who support a national ban on animal testing of cosmetics and their ingredients.
  • 500: the number of cruelty-free companies in North America who avoid animal testing by relying on thousands of existing cosmetic ingredients already established as safe, with available state-of-the-art non-animal test methods.
  • 32 (and counting!): cruelty-free companies in Canada who stand by us to see an end to cosmetics animal testing in Canada.
  • 80%: number of countries around the world that still allow cosmetics animal testing.
  • 80,000 (so far!): people who have signed the petition telling the Federal government they want Canada ban animal testing for cosmetics.

An animal’s life is worth more than a deodorant or shade of lipstick. Together we can play a crucial role in making Canada the next country to #BeCrueltyFree. We can make our political leaders listen and take action, but only if we work together.

Science has moved on and more importantly, this can stop today without any harm to the consumer.

Every single action counts. Can we count on your support?


Any questions? Just ask!


Last but not least…we made it onto the cover of FAJO Magazine, Canada’s leading digital fashion platform! We’re spreading awareness and breaking barriers between animal welfare and fashion. Read more.

About Aviva

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