Wednesday , 26 March 2025

The World and Montreal part of Operation #SaveHoppy

Some of my friends that I met through Montreal Dog Blog know that I work for LUSH Handmade Cosmetics. My fellow LUSHies and I met Freddie during a Humanitarian Aid visit to Guatemala earlier this month. Our hearts and minds were focused on helping the one of the many communities of Saint Martin Jilotepeque…but we could not ignore a gentle dog that would come to say hello whenever we would arrive to our hotel.  We were so blessed that he would come to our hotel and sit by the door. I would talk to him and he would wag his tail. He would follow us half a block down the street while we walked to our morning breakfast place. He would see the buses coming back in the afternoon from our working place and he would greet us. He would stay by the hotel door till we go to sleep.d64c9770-11f5-4d88-9994-bfde2a5dc861We named him Hoppy because he would painfully hop to come and see us and just for us to talk to him and he knew there was empathy in our hearts. He was dirty, his fur horribly matted, thin, and he was bullied by other dogs. We were told that he had an accident and he had his paw broken for over a year. He was using his paw as a cane to support to help him hop. b7611212-0d23-41c0-aa4e-f570baaf20c1

Thanks to social media, I shared a video of him to show his condition and to send an S.O.S to the rescue community friends in Canada and throughout the world. My dear rescue friend Janis that I met at the HSI Canada Emergency Shelter responded within minutes: “Liliana, I sent the video to my girlfriend Marjo  who lives in Guatamala near Antigua. She is a vet tech who has worked there with Vets without Borders. Hopefully, she can help.

What were the odds that I would find a Montreal friend that knows another Montreal friend that is living in Guatemala just an hour and a half away from where we were staying? For sure Marjo was willing to help Hoppie, she is an active volunteer for Unidos Para Los Animales Rescue. All my LUSH friends from work were willing to help this rescue happen. We all put money together to help cover for his transport from Saint Martin back to Antigua, his vaccinations, his deworming, blood tests and his stay at the clinic. We met Marjo during our last night in Antigua to give her the money and give her a big hug. The situation of stray dogs in Guatemala is very alarming, but thanks to responsible groups like Unidos para los Animales, some of the dogs are in furever homes.dc9376c7-81f3-47f1-bf17-ffc8beb70a97

Three of my LUSHie friends that were in Guatemala with me were willing to step up and said that they would adopt him.   In the end, sweet Eszter from Toronto said her and her family were ready to adopt him. Shauna from Alaska and Ellen from Vegas would be there for Hoppy if any of the other plans for his move to Toronto would fall through.2f938ac0-8d51-43e0-b862-11c712d4fbc9

Marjo went to rescue Hoppy and contacted our friend Cristy. Cristy took care of our food and prepared us the most amazing Vegetarian and Vegan food during our stay in Saint Martin. Marjo and Cristy conducted a successful rescue and Freddie left Saint Martin.741318_10152687709710785_2869972528218377503_o

Now, Hoppie is at his foster home. He has been named Freddie by the rescue. Freddie is eating and gaining weight and strength in order to go through his leg amputation surgery. Our friends of Unidos Para los Animales need help covering the $250 for his medical costs. fd46de7a-3d13-491f-9e72-995c64c70ff5

That is why we started this online fundraiser. Please help us cover the vet costs for Freddie and it would be truly amazing if  we could pass the target goal in order to give extra help needed to Unidos para los Animales.59e3bb59-a41f-4374-9cde-32a0144b6a51

Marjo is visiting Montreal this week. I will be meeting Marjo and Janis this upcoming Saturday and I will give her the money to bring back to Linda Green of Unidos para los Animales.

Please, any help that you can give will be truly appreciated. We chose to use because they do not take any percentage of the donations made. It is up to the donor if they want to help give support to the website by donating any amount of money. Here is the link to the Online Fundraiser: Click Heref7328ff9-1c21-4d3a-9680-7e51dea1459c

I have conducted other fundraisers through this websites and they all have been verified and people can attest to their validity. If you have any questions or comments about this fundraiser, please contact me at

Thank you so much for your time reading this and if at the moment you cannot help donate, please help us by sharing this page so Freddie’s story can be read by others far and wide through social media.


About Liliana

Liliana Danel has lived in Mexico City, Texas – and Montreal for the past 8 years. She and her husband share their home with with a 4 year old rescued Jack Russell Terrier named Romeo (aka Nanners) and 3 adopted lionhead bunnies. When it comes to animal suffering and neglect, she is passionate about spreading the word. An avid Twitterer, reader and Hello Kitty collector – Liliana hopes to shine a light on animal topics that would otherwise not get told.

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