Sunday , 23 February 2025

Where the heck have I been ?








I have literally checked out of Hotel MDB for several months and my Sunday morning guilt is overwhelming. I’m certain most of you did not realize I had even left but I am happy to say that at least for today, the writer side of my brain has become active again.


Where have I been?

What I consider to be ” Barbie’s Dream Job” as co manager of the Montreal SPCA Annexe along with the amazing Marilyn Gelfand.

Formally known as the Emergency Shelter , we look after the extreme cases from the main SPCA on Jean Talon.

The puppy mill seizures, the hoarding situations of 90 cats , the weary and lost who cannot cope with life at the hectic main building.

We provide as best we can a safe haven to those who are too stressed, too sick or too old .

Having just celebrated our five year anniversary , I am happy to say I was a volunteer from the beginning.

It was always my passion to work soley with animals seized from horrific conditions . Is it always easy? No way. There are many, many tears both of joy and sadness.

But there is no place on earth I would rather be.

I have been trained by the best. Red Rover, ASPCA and Humane Society International.

I volunteered at a  horrific ” shelter ” where I lost my mind for a short while in the 90’s … and I co directed Rosie Animal Adoption for it’s first five years of existence for which I am forever thankful.

But I was meant to do this, the hard luck cases on a daily basis  and I am grateful to be at a time of my life where I can do so .

This is my place in society. My place to embrace.

And even more now that the Montreal SPCA has  Nicholas Gilman…. who has brought us the leadership and the changes we so needed.

I am proud to say I work there and I hope to share with you the journey on which I am bound.








“In rescuing animals, I lost my mind, but found my soul.” ~anonymous




About Barkinginthewind

Terry has been involved with various Montreal animal rescues and charities for over 15 years and is certified to deploy on large scale rescues.Terry was born in Montreal Quebec and lives with her husband Rick and their nephew Michael in Kirkland.

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