Monday , 3 March 2025

Buddy Love!

It’s funny the relationship between Bailey and Kayla ( aka KK).  Bailey was 5 years old when KK came into our lives.  It was a big adjustment for Bailey.  He was actually fearful to have this 3Ib, attention seeking pug running around and jumping on him.  Bailey tried his best to ignore KK’s attempts and friendship but later on, it was cute to see just how much they started to like each other.  KK would follow Bailey around and as soon as Bailey would sit to ask for a treat, KK would jump on his back almost as a way to be seen and to ENSURE a treat as well.

I really consider them to be buddies.  Now that Bailey is older, he has less tolerance to sit and let KK jump on his back but he loves to walk side by side with his companion and partner in cookie crime.  In fact, Kayla will wait patiently for Bailey to meet up with her for the traditonal evening walk.  I like to get out the door first with the little ones while Wayne ( and Bailey) lock up and meet up with me.  KK will not move-once at the end of the driveway, she will simply lie down, and ignore the gentle pulling of her leash, until Bailey has has left the building and house (which seems forever in a Pug’s world) catches up to her.  She always jumps on him as he approaches her as if to say, ” Finally, you are here!”  I, on the other hand, have been waiting patiently at the end of the driveway..guess never meant to be in the lead!

It is a funny thing about dogs- they sense when we are not at 100% but also they sense when their furry friends are not feeling well either.  KK knows when Bailey is in a good mood and when he is cranky.  She senses when he needs alone time or when it is fully Ok to snuggle. I guess since Bailey and KK have been together the longest, they do have a fact, KK is the only “little critter” that Bailey will allow to sleep on his big comfy Bailey bed.

Bailey has been so good for Bailey.  I am happy that we opted to get a second dog espcailly since we both work full-time.  Even if they choose to be on different floors of the house, I see that there is a level of comfort and security that comes from them having each other.  It is truly a case of BUDDY love!

About Shelly

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