Sunday , 23 February 2025

Gordon’s Story and Update

Gordon’s Story 

About 5 years ago, I met a very special soul named Gordon Lowe. This sweet man has had a life of struggle that would leave many people bitter and angry. What stands out in Gordon is that with everything he’s been through he keeps persevering, has a positive outlook and a kind nature. Many years ago, Gordon had a car accident that left him with some limitations and challenges. His mother passed away and he was left with no family and few friends.


Gordon chose to dedicate his life to helping others and particularly animals, which is how I met him. When I first encountered Gordon, he had turned to me for help, as he had taken in many stray cats, several that had recently given birth and he was overwhelmed. Even when times were tough and he had a difficult time affording to feed himself, the cats always had ample food and loving. PetitsPawz took in many of the cats and had them adopted. The others were sterilized and remained with Gordon. Through the years Gordon and I stayed in touch and as needed PetitsPawz helped him to manage and adopt out the cats and kittens he saved from the streets.

About 2 months ago, Gordon came to me again for some final help. Gordon has been diagnosed with terminal final stage lung cancer and has now been admitted to palliative care where he is secure and will get the treatment needed to help him stay comfortable through the hardest struggle of his life. Gordon has asked me (through PetitsPawz) to place all of his cats and we are there for him and will be throughout this journey. Gordon is relieved to be in the hospital where he will be given the care and nurturing he deserves. He is realistic about his condition and his one wish is for his cats to be placed in loving homes.

Gordon in happier times

 In happier times

The Cats There are 13 cats to place, from kittens to 10 year old cats. Some cats are in foster families and the others are still in Gordon’s apartment with a neighbour feeding them. We must move the remaining cats out of the apartment ASAP! This is an emergency.


Puss Puss and one of her kittens
Wee one and Pretty Girl

Wee one and Pretty Girl
Wee one and Pretty Girl



 James Bond





I would like to give an update for all of you who have been following and sharing Gordon’s Story. Sadly Gordon passed away on May 8th. Though he left behind his precious cats he knew that they would be cared for and loved. These past few weeks have been a challenge but it all came into place due to some magnificent teamwork and I believe a little help from Gordon! Gordon’s 13 cats have all been placed in foster care; ome with intentions to adopt them, while others providing a warm, safe and loving home until adopted. Ages ranged from 2 weeks to 10 years of age. Three cats are fiv positive and three cats need dental care but all are otherwise healthy and safe. Gordon’s dying wish came true thanks to all of you who shared, volunteered, donated, fostered and adopted! Gordon asked me to thank everyone who took part.

Gordon’s Words of Thanks In Gordon’s words, “I’m at peace with everything. I feel very safe and secure here.  I am beyond words The power of social media just Amazes me” Thank you everyone! xoxo

Here are some updates on each of the 13 cats: As mentioned, for the most part the cats are healthy though Bond, Blackie and Baby will need dental surgery and/or treatment. Bond and Blackie will need the most.   Mr. Big (Sammy)              Mr. Big (Now Sammy) Adopted! Enjoying life with Marilyn and Gary

Pikatoo          Pikatoo loves giving and getting lots of affection with her new foster family Jessica and her husband and daughter.


Bond Bond is in heaven with new foster Mom Anne, who also is fostering Wee (previously foxy). 


                                                           Shy Wee has come out of her shell! Wee and Bond                                                                              Wee are Bonding. 🙂

Wee was an extremely nervous kitty. Click on the link below and you will see how far she has come in such a short time.

Wee (previously Foxy) was the most scared of the cats. She is now thriving



Blacky      Blackie settling in and being fostered by an amazing and attentive family Angie, her partner and their 4 children.

Peppy and Baby  Peppy and Baby immediately felt at home with foster mom Tracy and her family. 

Peppy1                                                                                          Peppy Peppy 2                                                                                         Baby

Wee one and Pretty Girl
Wee one and Pretty Girl

Wee One and Pretty Girl are having lots of fun with foster Mom Emilie and her partner. PussPussA Puss Puss has been busy nursing her kittens in her foster home with Lisa and her wonderful family.

Nearly 4 weeks old, the 3 kittens will be ready for adoption in about 1 month:     Asha                                                                                       Asha


Asha has been reserved and will go to her furever home as soon as she is weaned and about 9 weeks old. Egbert                                                                       Junior Eggbert Steve

Junior Eggbert Steve (named by Lisa’s adorable daughter) is spending his days nestling with his Mom and wrestling with his siblings. Brownie                                                                                          Brownie

Brownie is a real Prince and is a true explorer. Quick on his feet he loves to dart around the room discovering the world around him.


Patricia (my partner in crime) and I would like to thank:

THE DONORS Everyone who donated to help the cats! We raised $1,600 towards the care of Gordon’s cats. This was a huge relief and covers the first round of vet treatments. Please see below for how you can donate to this cause.

THE SHARERS All of you who shared Gordon’s story made his dream come true. Over 20,000 people read his story allowing for fosters, donors and adopters and volunteers to come forward!


A huge thank you to all the people who transported the cats:

Jessica Bouchard Côté

Jennifer Anne Cardone

Jennifer Godair and Martin Wolf Dupont

Lisa Howard

Julia Morin

Abie Stys (Abie was an instrumental part of this rescue and worked tirelessly with us from beginning to end

Cathy Valenti


Jessica Bouchard

Côté Tracy Urquha (and Sandy D’Amato Urquhartwho put us in contact)

Angie Franchie

Anne Gage

Lisa Howard

Marilyn and Gary Kyle  (and Rita Scott who helped with the transition)

Lisa Howard Emilie Saunier

AND… A huge thank you to Nat Lauzon and Montreal Dog Blog for giving me the platform to share Gordon’s Story and to Animal Health Clinic, our awesome vet clinic who accommodated us (and still are) throughout this journey with Gordon.

A special thanks to my fiancé and best friend Darryl Brisebois for standing by me, actively helping Gordon and the cats and having the patience to deal with all the coordinating, phone calls and challenges that we have experienced throughout these past few weeks. Everyone who supported us, thank you so much! xoxo

Dental Surgery Fund for Bond, Blackie and Baby

Everyone has been so generous and the donations have just about covered the basic vet care including test for FIV and feline leukemia and vaccines. We are still raising funds for dental surgery and treatment.

If you would like to donate: To donate through CanadaHelps:

1) Go to Website at

2) Click on Donate Now

3) Next to ‘Fund Designation’, click on ‘The Gordon Lowe Fund’ (when you click on PetitsPaw General, the Gordon Lowe Fund will pop up.

4) Follow instructions on how to make a payment.

If you would like to donate by cheque, please email me (Susan Mackasey) at


About PetitsPawz

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