Saturday , 22 February 2025

Product Review: Team Little Bear Products

Hey guys, I just realized animals are like a bunch of aliens just hanging out on earth with us and I think one of the greatest things we can show them is kindness.

Here, watch this video:

Kindness: It’s something that inspires so much so effortlessly. I fall over when I encounter or witness it. Thankfully when I was first contacted by Chuck, owner of Little Bear, I was seated.

Chuck asked if Montreal Dog Blog could review some products that Little Bear sells where the proceeds go to assisting local animal charities and rescues. I freakin’ LOOOOVE this!

Product: Things available for purchase include: food, treats, t-shirts, frisbees, toques (yea, we live in Montreal. toques are a year round thing. u kno it. And these black stitched, red threaded monogram toques made for us bipeds  are awesome for chilly June morning walks or late eve Augusts hanging out and being cool in dog parks. Or running in and out in minus 30 during the middle of February.)

Pros: When you buy Team Little Bear you’re helping Montreal’s animal community but you’re also picking up some great things for you and your pup to enjoy! Quality time is the best time!

Cons: Dogs and frisbees should not be left unattended. they’re frisbees, they break apart and can be dangerous.


Overall: Team Little Bear products and why they’re rad? These products aren’t a gimmick. They’re quality toys, food, treats, and clothing that gives you, the buyer, the ability to make a conscious decision to support our local dog community and help out. What’s better than that? *silence*

Not everyone can donate time but when you buy Team Little Bear you’re acknowledging that the love you have for your pet is something that should be spread to all of Montreal’s fur dudes by way of supporting those amazing individuals who volunteer their time.

Price list idea: Team Little Bear – (ask about Little Bear branded products)

– Dog Tees $5 from each sale ($24.99ea) will go to Au Repit de la Montagne

– Frisbees $1 from minis ($3.99), $5 from full size 175g Ultimate frisbees  ($17.99 & $19.99glow) will go to Gerdy – these are for fetching, NOT for chewing.

– Winter touques for people $5 from each sale ($20/ea) will go to a private rescue (a Little Bear client runs a rescue from her house and has escalating vet bills, so Little Bear is trying to help her out.  Grassroot movements are the real deal.)

Where to buy: Little Bear



About ozolinsmonstad

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