Saturday , 29 March 2025

Still Looking for Love

As you all know if you follow my blogs we are just finishing up our last seizure which began last September at the SPCA Annexe.

Some had a home for the holidays and many more found their way out of the shelter in January.

Surprisingly we still have 6 little souls looking for a place to call home. Each one it’s own challenge. Sweet, loving, scared, timid, need socializing, patience. They need families with no expectations, as it could take a while for them to come around. All should live in homes with another confidant, small dog, except for Hazel who would do better as an only dog. It’s a commitment but at the end of the line there is tremendous joy watching them become, trusting, normal dogs after a life in a puppy mill. Note they will need help with house breaking. They have lived in cages all their lives.

Please help me spread the word and share .


Photo: (English follows)</p> <p>HAZEL, UNE ÂME DOUCE<br /> Cette gentille femelle de 9 ans a passé une vie de souffrances dans une usine à chiots. Elle a eu d’innombrables portées, mais malgré tout, elle aime encore la vie. Elle est un peu dominante avec les autres chiens, donc elle devrait être la seule chienne au foyer. Si vous avez du temps à lui consacrer et si vous êtes souvent à la maison, Hazel deviendra votre fidèle compagne à tout jamais. Les enfants au foyer doivent avoir 14 ans et plus.</p> <p>pour plus d'info :</p> <p>HAZEL, A GENTLE SOUL<br /> This gentle girl is 9 years old and has spent her life suffering in a puppy mill. She has had innumerable litters yet still keeps on kicking. She is a bit bossy with other dogs so she would be best as the only dog. If you have time on your hands and love to stay home, Hazel will be your forever<br /> faithful companion. Kids 14+</p> <p>for more info:

This gentle girl is 9 years old and has spent her life suffering in a puppy mill. She has had innumerable litters yet still keeps on kicking.
She is a bit bossy with other dogs so she would be best as the only dog. If you have time on your hands and love to stay home,
Hazel will be your forever faithful companion. Kids 14+

For more info:



Photo: (English follows)</p> <p>GEORGIA EST ENJOUÉ<br /> Âgée de 5 ans, Georgia est en assez bonne forme après avoir été enceinte tant de fois à l’usine à chiots!<br /> Elle est sociable, enjouée et, en général, aime les gens et les autres chiens. Elle est un peu triste en ce moment parce qu’on lui a enlevé ses chiots, mais un peu d’affection humaine va guérir cela. Les enfants au foyer doivent avoir 14 ans et plus.</p> <p>pour plus d'info :</p> <p>GEORGIA IS FULL OF BEANS<br /> Five years old, Georgia is in pretty good shape after all those pregnancies! She is social, playful, and in general loves people and other dogs. She is a little sad these days as her puppies were taken away from her, nothing that some humans TLC can't cure. Kids 14+</p> <p>for more info:

Five years old, Georgia is in pretty good shape after all those pregnancies!
She is social, playful, and in general loves people and other dogs.
She is a little sad these days since she’s back from a temporary foster home,
nothing that some TLC can’t cure. Kids 14+

For more info:



Photo: STARLA EST LA STAR DE L’AMOUR<br /> Cette Yorkshire de 6 ans est adorable. Il vous faudra un peu de temps pour gagner sa confiance, mais une fois que ce sera fait, vous aurez une amie pour la vie!<br /> Starla était très timide lorsqu’elle est arrivée de l’usine à chiots où elle a été saisie, mais elle prend confiance en elle petit à petit. Tout ce qu’elle demande c’est d’être aimée. Elle peut cohabiter avec d’autres chiens soumis. Les enfants au foyer doivent avoir 16 ans et plus.</p> <p>pour plus d'info :</p> <p>STARLA IS A STAR CUDDLER<br /> This 6 year old Yorkie is lovely. It may take some time to gain her trust, but once you do---watch out! She was very timid when she first came from the puppy mill but is slowly gaining confidence. She just wants to be loved, and love conquers all. Starla can live with other submissive dogs. Kids 16+</p> <p>for more info :

This 6 year old Yorkie is lovely. It may take some time to gain her trust, but once you do—watch out!
She was very timid when she first came from the puppy mill but is ever so slowly gaining confidence.
She just wants to be loved, and love conquers all. Starla can live with other submissive dogs. Kids 16+

For more info :



This nine year old Yorkie looks like a young babe. She adores the company of other dogs and is still a little shy with people.
Imagine 9 years unsocialized, living in a cage in a puppy mill! If you are very patient, have lots of love to share, have another small dog or two,
Bessie will come around and eventually be a wonderful companion. Kids 16+

For more info::




Fable and Devon should go to a home together.

Photo: (English follows)</p> <p>FABLE EST PLUS À L'AISE AVEC LES FEMMES<br /> Fable est un Chihuahua de 8 ans saisie dans une usine à chiots. Elle est affectueuse et adore les câlins. Elle a vraiment une âme très douce. Elle est dominante avec les autres chiens, mais jamais agressive! Elle est extrêmement timide avec les hommes lorsqu’elle les voit pour la première fois, et il lui faut beaucoup de temps pour s’habituer à eux. Mais elle est très à l’aise avec les femmes. Les enfants au foyer doivent avoir 16 ans et plus.</p> <p>pour plus d'info :</p> <p>FABLE IS A GIRL'S GIRL<br /> Fable is an 8 year old Chihuahua from the Yorkie puppy mill seizure. She is affectionate, loves cuddling and a very gentle soul. She is dominant with other dogs, but never aggressive!<br /> She is extremely timid around men, when she first meets them and takes a long time to warm up to them but is easy and comfortable around women. Kids 16+</p> <p>for more info:

Fable is an 8 year old Chihuahua from the Yorkie puppy mill seizure. She is affectionate, loves cuddling and a very gentle soul. She is dominant with other dogs, but never aggressive!
She is extremely timid around men, when she first meets them and takes a long time to warm up to them but is easy and comfortable around women. Kids 16+

for more info:


Photo: (English follows)</p><br />
<p>DEVON : POUR L’AMOUR DE CHIS<br /><br />
Cette petite chienne de 4 ans, survivante d’une usine à chiots, adore se faire prendre dans les bras et recevoir des caresses. Devon aime les autres chiens, mais préfère être avec des humains. Elle semble avoir un peu peur des hommes, mais avec le temps et un peu de socialisation, elle devrait changer. Tout ce dont elle a besoin pour avoir confiance en elle-même c’est un lit, une petite place sur vos genoux et des câlins. En échange, elle vous donnera le meilleur d’elle même. Les enfants au foyer doivent avoir 16 ans et plus.</p><br />
<p>pour plus d'info :</p><br />
<p>DEVON : FOR THE LOVE OF CHIS<br /><br />
This 4 year old puppy mill survivor loves to be petted and cuddled. Devon likes other dogs but likes one-on-one with a human even better, She has shown that she is somewhat fearful of men but in time when socialized more should come around. A lap, a bed and hugs is all that this girl needs<br /><br />
to gain confidence and become the best that she can be. Kids 16+</p><br />
<p>for more info::


This 4 year old puppy mill survivor loves to be petted and cuddled. Devon likes other dogs but likes one-on-one with a human even better, She has shown that she is somewhat fearful of men but in time when socialized more should come around. A lap, a bed and hugs is all that this girl needs
to gain confidence and become the best that she can be. Kids 16+

for more info::




“In rescuing animals, I lost my mind, but found my soul.” ~anonymous



About Barkinginthewind

Terry has been involved with various Montreal animal rescues and charities for over 15 years and is certified to deploy on large scale rescues.Terry was born in Montreal Quebec and lives with her husband Rick and their nephew Michael in Kirkland.

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