Sunday , 23 February 2025

LUSH and their team care for animals


By: Liliana Danel

Due to the release of the documentary The Ghosts In Our Machine, I was able to get one on one time with the great team of LUSH.  Through out Canada they have hosted Charity Pot Parties and they support the Ghost Free Journey Blog.  What is a Charity Pot Party and a Ghost Free Journey? Don’t worry! I am here to explain it all to you!

According to the website, the Ghost Free Journey was designed to inspire a broad audience about the value of becoming a Ghost-Free consumer, for the animals. Anyone can sign up in order to participate on GFJ and be part of the experience.

By purchasing the LUSH Charity Pot, people not only get the satisfaction of buying a 100% vegan and cruelty free product, they also know that they are helping fund the many organizations and projects supported by LUSH. One of those projects is The Ghosts In Our Machine. According to Andrea Lubeck, sales representative at LUSH–St Denis in Montreal, the documentary and the work of Jo-Anne represents what LUSH is all about: compassion and respect for living beings.

Andrea and her furbabiesAndrea explained to me that at the moment LUSH products are 100% Vegetarian and out of all products 83% are vegan. LUSH is a company that is 100% against animal testing and it is displayed in big banners at the store. The team of LUSH St-Denis is made up of beautiful ladies with souls of gold. They all believe in animal rescue and in promoting animal adoption and responsible animal guardianship. They are aware of animal abandonment in the province of Quebec and they help educate people not only about companion animals but other animal advocacy campaigns.

Andrea was very proud to share that LUSH has been part of Anti-Fur Campaigns, Ending Animal Testing on cosmetics and even a campaign against shark finning. “At times, people are not aware of what animals have to go through in order to provide what we think we may need. I believe that this film will bring awareness and make people think about their choices. By LUSH promoting the documentary, it is doing something good for society and it calls for an end of the suffering of animals.”


The sales representatives find themselves with the task of education. Most people do not know the difference between vegetarian or vegan cosmetics. “Although it is not in our job description to educate people on the difference between vegetarian or vegan, it is within our moral responsibility to bring those facts to the consumer.”

Andrea says that one of the reasons she decided to work at LUSH was because of their ethics about not testing on animals and the great quality of the cosmetics. It is more than obvious that LUSH St-Denis and their team are made of great compassion and work ethic. Buying the LUSH Charity Pot is a great way to support their campaign in helping make a difference in the world we live in.



LUSH will be hosting a Charity Pot Party in their newly renovated Saint Denis store. The event will be on Monday Sept 30 2013 from 2pm till 4pm. Miléne Laoun, owner of Sophie Sucrée will be sponsoring the event and providing guests delicious vegan desserts. Former NHL player and now Deputy Leader for the Green Party, Georges Laraque will be present at the event and providing to guests Rise Kamboucha.

Click here to join the Facebook Event

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About Liliana

Liliana Danel has lived in Mexico City, Texas – and Montreal for the past 8 years. She and her husband share their home with with a 4 year old rescued Jack Russell Terrier named Romeo (aka Nanners) and 3 adopted lionhead bunnies. When it comes to animal suffering and neglect, she is passionate about spreading the word. An avid Twitterer, reader and Hello Kitty collector – Liliana hopes to shine a light on animal topics that would otherwise not get told.

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