Sunday , 23 February 2025

Quebec holds status of being one of best provinces for an animal abuser

The province of Quebec holds the status of being one of the best provinces for an animal abuser. The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) recently released the 2013 Canadian Animal Protection Laws Rankings. According to ALDF, since the publishing of the rankings in 2008, many of the provinces and the territories have shown improvement when it comes to animal laws. Unfortunately, Quebec  remains at the bottom of the list.

The Montreal’s SPCA expressed their disappointment at the results of the 2013 Canadian Animal Protection Laws Rankings. “Despite recent amendments in the Quebec animal protection legislation, this report demonstrates that we still have a long way to go in this Province” said Alanna Devine, Director of Animal Advocacy at Montreal’s SPCA. “We hope that these rankings will be a wake-up call that important changes still need to be made to our Provincial legislation including incarceration as a possible sentence, providing protection to a broad range of species and ensuring prohibitions apply to owners/guardians and non-owners alike.”

Although Quebec is at the bottom of the ranking, the 2013 ALDF Report advises that the province enhanced its animal protection legislation. These are the mentioned positive changes made by the province:


  • Broadened its oversight authority over animal facilities. They can now be ordered to stop their activities for up to sixty days if the animals’ welfare is threatened.
  • Restrictions on future ownership of animals upon conviction.
  • Enacted stiffer penalties. Animal abusers now face a fine of up to $25,000 for a first offense and up to $75,000 for repeat offenders.

Improvement of animal law depends on society. Mahatma Gandhi said, ” If you don’t ask, you don’t get” and people need to continue pushing for what they want. Animal advocacy has blossomed in Quebec this past 3 years. New people are getting involved when it comes to animal rights, animal welfare and the change of bylaws. People are starting to understand why Quebec remains at the bottom of the ALDF’s Report each year since 2008. Yet, it is not enough. There is a need for public pressure towards expressing the need for advancement on the prevention of cruelty to animals. People voicing their concern and educating others about the topic is what makes a difference. By supporting those that are active in animal advocacy the public is being part of the movement towards evolution of society.

Congratulations to the provinces at the top of the ALDF list. There is always room for improvement, but so far, they are leading the reform of animal welfare status in Canada.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”
Mahatma Gandhi

Animal Protection Law Rankings 2008 – 2013 (click to enlarge):  

ALDF 2008 copy







2009 ALDF copy











2011 ALDF copy











ALDF 2012 copy














About Liliana

Liliana Danel has lived in Mexico City, Texas – and Montreal for the past 8 years. She and her husband share their home with with a 4 year old rescued Jack Russell Terrier named Romeo (aka Nanners) and 3 adopted lionhead bunnies. When it comes to animal suffering and neglect, she is passionate about spreading the word. An avid Twitterer, reader and Hello Kitty collector – Liliana hopes to shine a light on animal topics that would otherwise not get told.

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