Monday , 31 March 2025

A dying man’s wish for his dog

The following is a reader piece from friend of MDB, Carole Dandurand, who was involved in quite a heartwarming endeavor the past few days.  It is also a reminder to always have a plan for our pets, should the unexpected arise.  Read on: 

Dying man’s wish for his beloved dog fulfilled via good friends and FB

Over this past weekend I was not very active on FB. I went on briefly Sunday and saw my old high school friend Graham Smith’s (Bark Buster Rep for Montreal and area) wall post as soon as I logged on. It was this lovely photo of a young yellow lab with the below paragraph:

“Meet Jackie. She needs a new home. She is a 14 month old absolutely adorable yellow lab – that was in the MIRA service dog program. She is TOTALLY house broken, perfectly trained (I trained her). Neutered, had her shots. A delight. Jackie’s owner was recently diagnosed with a serious illness and wanted to re-home her – before he passed away. He asked me to find her ‘the perfect home’. If you want to have her – or know someone with ‘the perfect set up’ for a rambunctious young lab please send me a message.”

I immediately thought of my dear friend Alison and her husband Tom, who own a yellow Lab named Osha – also a MIRA dog they raised, who was sadly rejected due to feet problems. So they adopted her as their forever dog. They had recently re-located to the Thousand Islands region with a property directly on the water – with a dock (and we know how much labs love to fetch and swim!).

I promptly shared the photo and story on Alison’s wall with a question mark (?). They fell in love with her.

In the meantime, Graham had been busy on the phone for hours and had found a man who was going to take Jackie on trial for a few days.  This man also was a good fit with a big back yard and another dog. So we waited…

Next thing I know, I get a message from Graham saying the potential adopter had changed his mind – and could I get back in contact with Alison and Tom. Within minutes they were on the phone (Graham messaging me a play by play at the same time).  And that was that!

Today Alison is driving to Montreal to pick up the newest member of their family, a dear sweet yellow lab girl who will be a friend and playmate to Osha.

Best of all, Jackie’s human dad  had a dying wish fulfilled.

Here is Graham’s post on Alison’s wall:

“Thanks to Carole and the sweet hearts of Tom and Alison a dying man has gotten his most important wish fulfilled. We couldn’t have wished for a MORE perfect set up for such a sweet dog. Tom and Alison and Osha will have many years of unconditional love, walks in the woods and TONS of stick chasing in the lake. Thanks to you 4 for making this happen.”

Never be shy to share posts about animals in need on FB with your friends because you never know how destiny will unfold.  It does not take much to make a positive difference in the world.


About nat

Nat's bio can be found on the "Who Are We" page. She posts articles on behalf of folks like Dr. Glew and Dr. Stiles - so, check out their individual bios for further info as well. :) Thanks for reading!

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