Saturday , 22 February 2025

Alleged Quebec Puppy Miller is back breeding animals

 Labombard was contacted by the Ottawa Citizen to comment on the allegations. Click here to read the article


 by MDB Rescue Blogger, Liliana Danel 

Before the OSPCA sent out a letter to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec, an animal advocate was following the footsteps and sharing the truth of the Labombard family. Lorie Gordon, checks sites like kijiji and craigslist to see if there any activity by them. As soon she uncovered enough information to feel confident that it was the Labombard family selling animals again, she alerted everyone of their actions – and how they were ‘promoting’ their victims. Thanks to social media, the word spread and now there are people taking action to stop them. The family name makes most of us shiver.  It seems they are once again breeding and selling animals. Not only companion animals, but farm animals too.  Small pigs are now victims and part of their disgusting business.

We all remember the name PawsRus. And if you don’t know this name…then I have no clue under what rock you have been hiding.  They had over 527 dogs suffering behind closed doors. The condition of these dogs was so deplorable and inhumane that they were removed from the PawsRus grounds and that led to the biggest animal rescue operation in Canada. They were never declared a puppy mill, so I will not call them that, but I can call them a family that knew very well the living conditions of these dogs, yet they allowed them to endure an inhumane way of life.  At the end of the seizure and after months of caring for the dogs by rescues and volunteers, over 600 dogs had to find a home. It was declared by a court of law, that they should not breed dogs for two years. The Labombard Family has no respect for the law, what makes people think that they have respect for the innocent life of an animal?

The Labombard family is responsible for over 527 lives of animals that they made suffer.  The Labombard’s were found guilty and therefore punished by a ban of no sale of animals for a period of two years. For us two years was not enough. For us, she should’ve been given a permanent ban of possessing any kind of animals.  Sadly, for them, their compulsive desire to keep on exploiting animals has led them to again start profiting from innocent lives.

What can I call Charlene Labombard? Abuser? The Miller Family? Liar? Outlaw for breaking her sentence or just disrespectful monster? Whatever it is that I call her, the point is, she and her family are unworthy people to have in their hands the precious life of any animal. There are more than 527 reasons why they should not be close to animals.

When I saw the posting of her allegedly selling West Highland Terrier puppies, my heart sunk and it brought me back to the day I saw all the precious westies that were rescued by a wonderful organization called Westies In Need. When rescued from her clutches…they were all beige in color. The urine stains colored some of their paws, their eyes were not bright, and the classic westie look was not in them.

The giant breeds were trapped beautiful Titans, that after being rescued, enjoyed stretching their legs and running about the playing grounds when it was time for them to do what a dog does best; to run and to play.

There were mothers that gave birth at the shelter and their puppies were born in freedom. None of those females were kept trapped to be bred again. They are all a new breed of dogs… free dogs. They were all free pups that never had to smell the stench of the Labombard “kennel.”

Once again, this family is reportedly producing prisoners of misery. This is unconceivable and utterly disrespectful. It seems like a sociopath challenging reality and saying “So what? No matter what you do, I will continue.”

What we can do? You can contact the Minister of MAPAQ, Francois Gendron, and tell him what is going on. The OSPCA has done an excellent job in stepping up and writing to the Minister’s email.   They have made public their letter and they stand by their words.

You could also reach Nathalie Hebert, the regional division veterinary of MAPAQ. She should remember the conditions of all the dogs that this family made suffer. Even if the newly elected Minister is not familiar with the case of the puppy mill raid, she should be able to familiarize him with the lives that were saved. If he does not care for animal lives, at least she can familiarize him with the amount of money spent due to the Labombard family.

It is up to us to put pressure on the Minister in order for them to take action and – at a bare minimum – investigate this.  Take the time and do your part. If you were one of the many of volunteers or team leads that gave their time and energy for all the rescued pups, I know you will take the few minutes it takes to write an email and make a call.

Nathalie Hébert, vétérinaire à la division régionale du ministère.

Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec

200 chemin Sainte-foy, 11ieme étage Québec ( Québec ) G1R 4X6

Phone : (418)380-2100 Extension 3956

Toll free 1-800-463-5023

Fax: (418)380-2169


About Liliana

Liliana Danel has lived in Mexico City, Texas – and Montreal for the past 8 years. She and her husband share their home with with a 4 year old rescued Jack Russell Terrier named Romeo (aka Nanners) and 3 adopted lionhead bunnies. When it comes to animal suffering and neglect, she is passionate about spreading the word. An avid Twitterer, reader and Hello Kitty collector – Liliana hopes to shine a light on animal topics that would otherwise not get told.

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