Monday , 3 March 2025

Product Review: Drypet Towel

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Hey! What up, dogs? (get it? I’m trying to be funny.) How is everyone? Hope everyone’s doin’ good and stayin’ dry. I’m super annoyed with the dampness, cold and fly-by-night rain showers. YEA! So it’s been a few posts, we’re gettin’ to know each other and I thought it’d be neat if I shared a secret with all you fine readers of the Montreal Dog Blog.

Anyone who sees me, quickly realizes that I’m a tad jumpy. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s due to the coffee I’m strung-out on most of them time. But that’s neither here nor there. So yes, my secret, though I am high-strung I don’t get scared easily and something that terrifies me more than any hooligan or ghoul could ever are muddy paws. And it’s not because I’m a neat freak (though I am), it’s because muddy paws, aside from leaving muddy prints, can make for very sad paws.

High-five for paying attention to my feets!

A dog’s paws are often prone to cuts, bruises, and abrasions that occur when a dog is walking or running. While most of these injuries are minor and they heal quickly, in some cases the affected paws can become infected and painful. Whenever you walk your dog, or take your dog for a run, jog, or hike, it’s always a good idea to check your dog’s paws. A quick look at the paws and between the paw pads will help you to see any possible injuries. If an injury has occurred, clean the wound out with hydrogen peroxide and keep an eye on the paw for any signs of swelling, redness, or discharge.

Trim nails are vital to the health of a dog’s paws. Overgrown nails can often curl around and grow into the dog’s paws, especially in the case of overgrown dew claws. If the nail becomes imbedded in the dog’s paw, severe pain and infection will occur. Watching how your dog walks may also help you to spot any troubles with the dog’s paws before risky complications arise. Keep in mind that if your dog is going to be outside in an area with rough terrain, or walking on surfaces that are especially cold or hot, doggy booties can help to protect your dog’s paws from injury. Unhealthy paws will not only interfere with your dog’s ability to walk, but painful paws may also lead to behavioral problems and long term effects on the bones and muscles of the paws and legs. Without healthy paws, the quality of the dog’s life is also severely harmed.

When a dog has an unhealthy paw, it often compensates by bearing most of its weight on the other legs. Over time, the muscles in the unused leg will begin to atrophy and the bones will become weak from lack of exercise. Even worse, when multiple paws on a dog’s legs are unhealthy, then the dog often experiences pain when walking. In this case it is difficult to shift weight, and overtime the dog may cut down on its physical activities or even refuse to walk. Dogs in this type of situation often become overweight due to the decrease in physical activities, and this in turn causes more stress and pain on the paws. Painful conditions cause dogs to become withdrawn and even aggressive. They may growl or bite if someone tries to pet them and especially if their paws are touched or handled. The inability to run, play, or even walk comfortably can also cause the dog to become severely depressed. As a result, the dog may stop eating and the health of the dog’s paws can deteriorate further. If unhealthy paw conditions are not addressed in a timely manner, the dog’s body condition and health will become severely affected. Lack of exercise will lead to weak bones that are easily fractured in addition to muscle atrophy throughout the body, and a refusal to walk may cause bladder and bowel accidents which increase the risk of urinary tract infections.

… if I haven’t forced a complex on you yet about your dogs paws, here are some WINTER WARNINGS: Paw cautions for the winter are:  drying, cracking and frostbite.

Montreal will soon be embedded with cold and snow. I get annoyed with it after a month but my dogs, they wish it could go on forever and ever. Now, even though playing in the snow is a super duper fun activity that most dogs look forward to during the winter, there are some important dangerous effects the snow and cold weather can have on their paws. And because I really like you guys, here are some helpful and easy ways to keep your dog’s paws healthy this winter season:

– Check your dog’s paws regularly. Remember to always check your dog’s paws as soon as you come back inside.

– If your dog’s paws pick up any salt while the two of you are out on your walk, the salt will cause his paws to dry out and eventually crack. You need to make sure that no snow, grit or de-icing products have accumulated into the cracks because if this happens, it may lead to blisters and/or infections.

– To help keep your dog’s paw pads from drying out, you can apply Vaseline to them. I’ve even used olive oil before. Not only does olive oil work, but it’s actually good for your dog’s coat if he feels the need to lick it off. There are also special balms sold online and at pet supply stores that’ll help keep your dog’s paws moisturized.

– Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed should be done year-round, but it’s even more important during winter because if your dog’s nails are kept long, his toes will spread as he walks. Not only will this be uncomfortable for your dog as he walks, but his long nails will also make it much easier for snow and ice to accumulate between his paw pads.

– Keep the fur between your dog’s paw pads trimmed. By trimming the fur between your dog’s paw pads, you’re helping prevent ice balls from forming, which can be very painful for your pet. Be sure to always wash your dog’s paws off with warm water when your dog comes back inside. The warm water will melt any ice that has accumulated between your dog’s paw pads. All salt and de-icing chemicals what collects on your dog’s paws needs to be washed off because if your dog licks his paws, he may get sick.

So, what’s my BIG secret after all this paw talk? I cling to a plush security blanket during these dark times, and my security blanket’s name is Drypet.

Product: Drypet towels. A major hobby of mine is enjoying good coffee and another is calling people out on their hooey. It’s especially fun when you combine the two! Good times. So, when reviewing this product, aside from my basic use of it, I checked-out the Dry Pet web site. On their site they make the following beneficial claims about the Drypet towels:

– Dries coat incredibly FAST – Cuts drying time by more than half
– Dries your pet Completely – Eliminates the need for blow-drying
– Cleans wet or dirty paws in seconds – with or without water
– Use Dry, slightly damp or with your favorite grooming aid
– Won’t stick to their coats, keeps it shiny and healthy
– Safe for all Pets – Hypoallergenic and Anti-Bacterial
– Holding up to five times more water than your basic cotton bath towel
– Towel dries quickly – machine and dryer friendly
– The statement, “Cleans wet or dirty paws in seconds – with or without water” really caught my eye. I had to know if this was complete rubbish ‘cuz it totally sounds bogus.

But look – TADAAAA! 










Pros:  Drypet towels DO cut drying time in half, even more in some cases. And they win more points by being hypoallergenic and anti-bacterial. But here’s the kicker, they DO keep coats shiny and healthy (they don’t dry-out your pet’s coat texture like cotton towels do, this eliminates frizz and dry skin.) These towels beat-down the basic cotton towels yet again when they meet the washing machine and dryer. After repeated washes and dryings (either aired-out or machine dried), Drypet towels maintain their absorbency and stitching. The texture of the towels are super soft and totally durable, it makes for cleaning paws and between the pads easy and comfortable for your furry little quadruped.

Cons: “Dries your pet Completely – Eliminates the need for blow-drying.” Sure, if you have a thin and short coated pup (think short-haired Chihuahua) these towels will totally eliminate your need for a dryer but if you have anything with any considerable amount of fur, you’re gonna need a dryer and brush to finish the job properly.

Overall: Drypet towels are a great addition to any owner’s pet supplies. Theses towels make no contest against basic cotton towels in a number of ways, but more notably, by maintaining the quality of your pet’s coat and health in a variety of fun colors!  All with cute paw prints to personalize *love*

Price:  $12.99 – $19.99 (depending on size)

Where to buy:  Some retails stores in Ontario and NB, and of course, online! 

About monstadozolins

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