Monday , 31 March 2025

Rescue Ink to unveil new Facebook application developed by Thoransoft

 by Liliana Danel, MDB Blogger 


Thoransoft will present in the province of Quebec their new application named RISA (Rescue Ink Software Application). This application was developed for the popular animal-rescue group that fights against animal abuse and neglect. At the same time, Rescue Ink educates and informs people about animal abuse.

According to Raffi Kalemdjian, Business Solution Director for Thoransoft, the Facebook application will centralize all the information provided by Rescue Ink followers who are willing to report animal abusers. This information will then provide statistics identifying the areas that need the most attention. The main goal is to regroup data dealing with animal abusers and benefit promoting animal adoption. There will also be a pet adoption section as well as a petition section. Therefore, once the data is centralized, all organizations that are dedicated to help and advocate for animals will support a hopeful end to animal cruelty and abuse. I was graciously provided with a screenshot of the ‘Report Abusers’ page which will be integrated in the social networking site Facebook.

The event will take place at Thoransoft headquarters October 27, 2012. They are located at 3221 Highway 440 West in the city of Laval. There will be seven different rescue groups and their sponsors at this event. Six members of Rescue Ink will be present during the event: Joe Panz, Johnny O, Big Ant and 3 other members. They will be present during the event from 1:00 – 4:00 pm taking pictures and signing autographs.

RISA is to help all people in all different locations. It is unfortunate that there is animal cruelty around the world, and an application like RISA is needed. People need to be grateful to the people of Thoransoft for creating it and for giving animal advocates a new tool to function on their quest to end animal cruelty.

This application will be very convenient here in the province of Quebec. So many people post on Facebook “my neighbor has her dog tied up outside all day in the cold,” “I know where there is a puppy mill but MAPAQ or Anima-Quebec has not replied back” or even “I know the exact address of the breeder of dogs that are being sold in parking lots.” Now thanks to this application words can become visual target locations and therefore these abusers will not longer remain in hiding.

Quebec still holds the name of the puppy mill capital of North America and according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund Quebec is the #1 capital of animal abuse. People of this province can certainly hope that this application will lead for society to evolve and for leaders to take notice of what happens in the province and help do something about it.


About Liliana

Liliana Danel has lived in Mexico City, Texas – and Montreal for the past 8 years. She and her husband share their home with with a 4 year old rescued Jack Russell Terrier named Romeo (aka Nanners) and 3 adopted lionhead bunnies. When it comes to animal suffering and neglect, she is passionate about spreading the word. An avid Twitterer, reader and Hello Kitty collector – Liliana hopes to shine a light on animal topics that would otherwise not get told.

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