Monday , 31 March 2025

Rescue Round-up Special: 9/11 SAR dogs articles of 2012


We continue to remember them and honor them. The people and the media will continue to pay tribute to the legacy of the Hero Dogs of 9/11 for many years to come. As time passes by, I believe that many people are starting to know how important these four legged soldiers were at that time of need and some start to understand that service dogs are not just a “tool” for humans but are true best friends to their human handlers.

I wanted to share with you some of the new links that I found today that mention the rescue dogs of 9/11. Eleven years after the tragedy, the pups continue to inspire people to write and continue creating news articles and videos about them.


About Liliana

Liliana Danel has lived in Mexico City, Texas – and Montreal for the past 8 years. She and her husband share their home with with a 4 year old rescued Jack Russell Terrier named Romeo (aka Nanners) and 3 adopted lionhead bunnies. When it comes to animal suffering and neglect, she is passionate about spreading the word. An avid Twitterer, reader and Hello Kitty collector – Liliana hopes to shine a light on animal topics that would otherwise not get told.

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