JULY 1 UPDATE: Baby has been taken into a home with another dog, where he can live out his retirement years. Thank you Barbara Brownstein!
This story was translated using Google Translate (with some editing liberties for flow), from the SPCA Laurentides Facebook Page.
You often hear stories of abandoned animals for various reasons. However, the story of Baby is quite different.
Baby was adopted at the SPCALL at the age of 8 weeks in 1996. His guardian made sure Baby was trained, cared for, loved and well fed – even before feeding himself. We had the chance to meet his guardian many times and each time he confirmed, “I don’t know what I’d do without Baby. He is my only family, my friend for life.”
Last week, the SPCA Laurentides-Labelle received a phone call from the Surete du Quebec. A citizen had died suddenly, and a dog lay waiting beside his master. We came to retrieve the dog and recognized Baby. The dog so adored by his guardian.
Baby is now at the shelter with us. Despite his advanced age of 16, Baby is healthy so euthanasia is not even a consideration. However, shelter life is not appropriate for this old and gentle boy.
We are actively seeking a loving home to offer Baby a comfortable retirement.
For more information call 819-326-4059 and ask for Paul or Genevieve