Saturday , 22 February 2025

“Linking In” for the greater good!

I never thought I would be using the power of social media to get the word out about a very important cause.  I’ll let you all guess what that is…lots of hints available:)

I am a LinkedIn Trainer/Coach and passionate about the cause of animal welfare. How do the two mix?  Well,I didn’t think they did but the more I train individuals/groups about what LinkedIn is really about,  the more I see the link.  I will not get into all the reasons why I like LinkedIn except to say that if everyone followed the intended mantra; oh, how so many wondeful possibilites, opportunities, and positive “key” relationships could be build.  LinkedIn is really about empowerment, and the idea that if a certain protocol and etiquette is followed, anyone of us can do anything!  It’s professional and strategic but really all about ATTITUDE; the right attitude:  sharing in a  proactive way without expecting anything immediately in return.  I never tell any of my clients that they can EXPECT this or that, but I do tell them that that many natural benefits/outcomes are likely to happen as a result.

If it were not for people who really believed in the cause of animal welfare; people with the right attitude, we would never really be able to make a significant difference. And we have come a long way.  We all need to help educate.  It’s that time of year again.  Everytime May/June comes along…I get that same pitt in my stomach.  I brace myself for the influx of pets that are going to be left behind, brought to over-crowded shelters, left as strays, found in abandonned apartments, and the list goes on.  It upsets me every year but I have changed the way I react to the situation. I keep the anger and sadness at bay, and I focus on what I can proactively do (without expecations) to help.  I keep the words of David Allen close to my heart, ‘You can do anything, but not everything.’   I also follow the idea, that Reid Hoffman had in mind, when he created LinkedIn…a strong, effective,  proactive, dependable  network can really make things happen!

So, if you haven’t heard yet, or if you just haven’t booked your calendar, something very special is happening on June 2nd. The Beaurepaire  Village Pet Fair and Fun Day. Yours truly will be the MC. If it were not for a group of dedicated individuals (a network), events like this would not happen.  The people involved ultimately want to make sure some needy pets have the stage, but yet it’s an opportunity to bring community, merchants, families, rescues, furry window shoppers/treat hunters , pet lovers, potential adopters, potential adoptees, dog bloggers,  and the list goes on.  Ultimately, many good things can come about from such a day. “Key” connections can be made and well, even though I am not supposed to really “EXPECT” anything (wink!) something is telling me that many wonderful furbabies will connect with their forever homes that day and many potential pet owners will be very lucky!

So, getting back to LinkedIn…the whole idea is the message behind the online networking tool…. have a GOAL, SHARE, and be THANKFUL!  Tell people and encourage those in your network to drop by that day!  What a wonderful opportunity for so many to offer support and work together. In fact, keep your ears open for all kinds of events going on this summer to help this very special cause…book, garage and plant sales, special walk-a-thons, auctions,  adoption days.  We will keep you posted on the Montrealdogblog.

The willingness to share does not make one charitable; it makes one free“.
~Robert Brault




About Shelly

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