We thought you’d like this update about a story we brought you a couple months back!
Back in November, we brought you this sad, and all too common story about a little cocker spaniel that was found in NDG. Here’s a photo from the day she was discovered:

Despite best efforts to find who she belonged to, no one claimed her. No one reported her lost. The vet estimated her to be about 9 years old – and her teeth were in pretty bad shape.
Good News! This calm little lady has found a safe haven to enjoy her senior years! She was adopted by friends (of the people who found her) in Ottawa. Turns out, they LOVE Cocker Spaniels, and have always had them! Needless to say, she is being spoiled like crazy and her teeth issues are being taken care of. She also has a name – it’s Kelly. 🙂
Check out this photo from Christmas:

Our thanks to Gina for the update about this dog. Gina says: It’s so nice to hear a happy ending amongst all the sad stories! I really must say since we’ve found this dog and I have been introduced to the “dog” community I cant believe my eyes and ears sometimes. Silly of me to have been blind to it and think that all people actually like their pets and would seek them out if lost. A big thank you to Montreal Dog Blog, PetLuck, the SPCA and all the facebook peeps that cared and helped us in figuring out what to do with this adorable pup!