Wednesday , 22 January 2025

Ruby-Sue fundraiser/meet & greet at Bailey Blu!

This Saturday, December 10th, Bailey Blu will be hosting Eleven Eleven Animal Rescue and Ruby-Sue for a fundraising event! There will be people baked goods for sale, courtesy of an Eleven Eleven volunteer (Elise!) and mini meatball dog cupcakes made by Bailey Blu’er Viki. All proceeds will go towards Ruby-Sue’s medical care costs.

We sure hope to see you there! There will be plenty of puppy kisses for everyone, guaranteed!

About Viki of Bailey Blu

Viki has been destined for crazy catlady-dom since she was but a wee thing - presently the caretaker of 3 mischievous male cats, she moonlights as an animal nutrition enthusiast and is the official Bailey Blu Pet Boutique blogger. Believing absolutely in the adage, 'we are what we eat', Viki, along with her Bailey Blu co-workers, have set out to change minds and change habits regarding how we feed our carnivores; by feeding species appropriate diets, we can ensure our animals live healthier and happier lives. Having worked in the pet food industry these last 5 years, (and now at Bailey Blu!) she has seen first hand how a simple change in diet can mean the difference between a lifetime of prednisone shots and healthy, hot spot free, comfortable skin. Allergies, urinary tract issues, loose stools, ear infections and bad breath: it all comes back to diet.

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