Wednesday , 22 January 2025

From Shelter to Foster

“Volunteer? I love animals, but I have no time to volunteer, and I have no training!”

There are so many ways to be a part of the solution, from being a volunteer dog walker at a shelter or adopting a shelter dog, to simply refusing to shop at stores that sell animals. You don’t have to move mountains to make a difference.

Jake & Betsy - Rescued 2007

Lola and I attend fundraisers for pug rescue, we donate items to shelters, and years ago, I signed up to donate my time (and car) to help dogs on their journey as a transport driver. (cue impossibly cool images of Jason Statham)

Every so often, a call goes out, and the “Underground Railroad” of rescue transporters springs into action to get dogs from mostly sad situations to their new lives. Journeys range from across the city to across the country. It’s amazing to see how people will band together to get the little (and big) ones to safe havens.

Click here to read the story of Jake and Betsy’s rescue trip from California to Ontario!


This week, a little, nameless senior had been abandoned at the shelter, and his time was up. The reality is that older dogs are seen as less adoptable than younger ones, and this little guy, at 13 years of age, wasn’t likely to find a home if he was left at the shelter. He also wasn’t doing so well in the stressful, strange environment he found himself in.

The shelter alerted Pugalug Pug Rescue (one of Lola Pug’s sources of pug interaction, and a great group of folks who do great things for pugs), and the wheels were set in motion.

The Pug Express (aka me and my car) arrived at the shelter before they even opened to spring the little man from his purgatory, and BOY, what a charmer he turned out to be!

Sorry for the pink harness, little man. It's all we have at Casa Lola!

Slightly over 30 minutes later, Sam (as he has now been named) found himself in the backyard of his amazing foster Mum, and he was sniffing, exploring and romping with his new foster family.

So, seriously. This boy is not a desirable adoptee?

His happiness, energy and enthusiasm betray nothing of his 13 years, and it will stun me if this boy isn’t snapped up in a heartbeat.

All it took on my part was little bit of time and a little bit of gas, and this amazing boy – left scared and alone to be euthanized – is now in an amazing foster home, and is well on his way to a happy retirement, with possibly many years of joy ahead.

Little Sam. Abandoned at the shelter. He's going to make his new family VERY happy.

I say to his future family – lucky you!

And what a joy it is to have played a small part in his journey to safety and love.

There are so many dogs like Sam who just need a little helping hand to get to the perfect home.

Want to play a part in animal rescue? It’s easier than you think. And you get to pretend you’re Jason Statham.

Call your local rescue to learn more. They sure could use your help!


**UPDATE** Sam’s new vet has determined that he is NOT 13 – he is, in fact, likely more to be a spry 8 or 9 year old. Woohoo, Sam! You’re a spring chicken! Who could resist you??? To read more about Sam and other rescue pugs, or to apply to adopt a gorgeous rescue, visit

About nat

Nat's bio can be found on the "Who Are We" page. She posts articles on behalf of folks like Dr. Glew and Dr. Stiles - so, check out their individual bios for further info as well. :) Thanks for reading!

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