Wednesday , 22 January 2025

URGENT: PetitsPawz need fosters/donations

PetitsPawz is an outstanding volunteer-run cat rescue, based in Verdun. We are also proud to have founder, Susan Mackasey as one of our bloggers. In fact,  Susan is so dedicated to rescue, that I’m filling you guys in on what’s going on! (and happy to do so) 🙂

In addition to finding feline forever homes, PetitsPawz also helps control Montreal’s feral cat problem through catch and release initiatives – involving sterilizing, vacinnating and sheltering feral cats.
With regard to numbers, unwanted cat population is much greater than dogs (the borough of Cote St Luc ALONE has reported over 10,000 of them).
PetitsPawz cares for dozens of cats on a daily basis. And still, everyday, there are more that need help. Here is what PetitsPawz is dealing with right now:

In Lasalle, a woman was living with 25 unsterilized cats in her home.  Which, in no time, quickly became 35.  Because there was not enough food to go around, when kittens were born, they were eaten
This cat is social but lacks tail fur due to stress of overcrowding

by other cats who then nursed on the lactating mothers. As you can imagine, a truly desperate and shocking situation.

Many of the cats were very anti-social and had to be euthanized by the City of Lasalle.  PetitsPawz were able to take in 4 (with 2 in foster homes and 1 at the vet).  There are several cats remaining in the Lasalle home that need foster homes, urgently. 
PetitsPawz is asking for at least 12 foster families.  If you can open your home temporarily, please call Susan at:  438-764-9447. (If you get voicemail,  leave a message and she will promptly call you back!)
They will also need donations to cover the veterinary cost of treating these animals and getting them ready for adoption.  The cost for  treatment, food, sterilization and vaccines will be about $2400 total.
Mom and babies are doing well in foster care










Wild Colony/Kittens 
Currently, PetitsPaws is caring for 27 kittens. YES, 27.
9 of them are from 4 to 6 months old. They were taken nearly-starved from an owner who failed to have them wormed (worms were essentially eating them alive).  They are costing the rescue $1800. 
1 of 9 kittens rescued with worms










The remaining 18 kittens are between 3 to 4 months. They are extremely healthy and were born to a colony that Susan is doing catch and release for. They would have otherwise been euthanized. They are costing the rescue $3600.  If you can make a donation, click here.

1 of 18 from feral colony











One of the catch & release adults (who is not tameable) has an extremely bad injury to his leg and has been living with it for over a year. They managed to trap him yesterday. His leg will be amputated, and he will be released.  Veterinarian Dr. Plasse said that he will be better than ever on 3 legs. The surrounding neighbours have gotten together to pay for the amputation. If he hadn’t been trapped by PetitsPawz, he would likely have only lived about one year with his injury.

Amputee will thrive after surgery thanks to PetitsPawz

About nat

Nat's bio can be found on the "Who Are We" page. She posts articles on behalf of folks like Dr. Glew and Dr. Stiles - so, check out their individual bios for further info as well. :) Thanks for reading!

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