We love our dogs – AND we want them to have safe, designated parks to play in! (Click here for the MDB Dog Park map and list of parks. Please tell us if we’ve missed any!) Here are two important initiatives in the Montreal area with regard to green spaces for our pets:
Condos threaten Griffintown dog park

A community of dog park users is hoping to draw attention to the threat to the Basin Street dog park in Griffintown. There is development going on around all sides of the park – and users are afraid that the park will be lost to impending condo developments. It seems likely that it will be, unless the community comes together. Get more information about the Basin Street dog park here or visit the Facebook Page. E-mail for further info: poufblog@gmail.com, or call 514 678 5595
And –
Volunteers needed for dog park study
If you and your pooch visit dog parks in Montreal – you can be part of a study to make dog parks better and promote the wellbeing of our companion animals. All you have to do is fill out a survey and then give yourself a big ol’ pat on the back. 🙂
Please visit the following link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/464004
or download the survey here Social Interaction in Dog Parks Study
and email your completed form to taryn.graham@uwaterloo.ca
Thank you for helping Montreal Dog Parks!